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7 Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

If you avoid cold or hot drinks because of tooth sensitivity, then it is time you got to the bottom of the condition. Shooting or sharp tooth pain is a sign of tooth sensitivity, and you should not wait until the next appointment with your dentist. Several reasons cause teeth sensitivity, and it is time you understood the causes of the pain you are experiencing.

1. Accidental trauma

Teeth sensitivity can be caused by accidental injury. Your enamel might crack after an accident, which causes sensitivity. As a result, it is advisable to visit your dentist after an accident to be sure that your enamel has not been damaged or to get treatment for dental injuries. Visit Your Smile Dental Care for more information.

2. Aggressive brushing

One of the leading causes of tooth sensitivity is aggressive brushing because it wears down the tooth enamel and root cementum. You might have to change your brushing technique if you discover that you go through the brushing process faster than your floss. Over-brushing also results in gum recession, which exposes the inner parts of your teeth causing sensitivity and pain.

3. Lack of proper oral care

Rinsing your mouth, brushing and flossing twice a day are necessary practices in maintaining a healthy mouth. Be careful when cleaning your teeth as well as routine-oriented so that you prevent teeth sensitivity. Make sure you use fluoride toothpaste to brush so that you protect and strengthen your enamel. A worn out tooth enamel exposes the dentin, which causes tooth sensitivity.

4. Tooth whitening

One of the common causes of teeth sensitivity is teeth whitening. However, teeth sensitivity after this dental procedure is usually temporal. It can also be as a result of frequent whitening or using harsh whitening products. Therefore, you should consult your dentist before whitening your teeth for advice on the best products that don’t cause sensitivity.

5. Acidic diet

You could be stripping away your enamel when you have a habit of eating sour or sharp-tasting food and drinks. You should balance your diet as you avoid frequent consumption of high-acidic foods, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits and grains to prevent tooth sensitivity. Additionally, avoid acidic beverages like orange juice, carbonated sodas, sports drinks, coffee, and wine.

6. Sugary diet

Consumption of sugary diet is a leading cause of tooth sensitivity. Loading your mouth with sweet treats, such as ice cream, cookies, cake and candies encourages the growth of bacteria. Bacteria in plaque produce acid that breaks down the structure of your teeth causing tooth decay.

7. Receding Gums

Gums recede when the gums slowly pull away from the teeth. Receding gums expose dentine tubules that cause sensitivity. Several factors cause gum recession; thus, you should visit your dentist for examination, diagnosis, and treatment.

Health Advice

5 Medical Conditions to Discuss with the Dentist

We think of dentists as practitioners devoted to caring for our teeth, gums, and the soft tissues inside our mouth. But dentistry involves even more. Your dentist needs to know about certain medical conditions that may impact your dental health or treatment. Here are five medical diagnoses that your dentist needs to know about.

1. Diabetes

Whether you have Type I or Type II diabetes, tell the dentist so he or she can better protect your oral health. Diabetes can cause certain types of skin problems and healing issues. The dental practitioner can use the appropriate assessment techniques and treatments to protect your overall health.

2. Cancer

There are many types of cancer, and not all have a bearing on dentistry. However, certain kinds, along with drug treatment used to control or cure the condition, may impact your overall dental health. It could also influence the type of treatment you should receive for various dental problems, from fillings to extractions. Let your dentist’s office know your diagnosis as well as specific medications you are taking when you come in for a routine exam or due to problems associated with your diagnosis and treatment. For additional information, please visit Your Smile Dental Care.

3. Heart Disease

Like cancer and other chronic conditions, heart disease comes in a variety of forms. You may have a normal heart murmur, for example. Alternately, you could have a mitral valve prolapse, which in some patients requires special dental treatment. Blocked arteries and congestive heart failure likewise should be reported to the dentist’s office so appropriate steps can be taken during treatment.

4. Hypertension

Although many people have hypertension, or high blood pressure, most are being treated by a doctor who has prescribed medication to lower the pressure to acceptable, healthy levels. However, if you know your blood pressure is elevated and has been for some time, and if you are not being treated for it, let the dentist know so treatment can be adjusted, if needed.

5. Viral Diseases

Contagious viral diseases like HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C are serious conditions that can be transmitted to others through saliva and minute amounts of bodily fluid. The dental team needs to know in advance if you have one of these conditions so that adequate precautions can be taken. Anything that is contagious and is not being medically treated, like strep throat, should be told to the dental associates who are providing exams, cleanings, and treatment.

Dentists can treat their patients more effectively when they are informed about medical conditions that impact patient health and may have a bearing on dental treatment. Keep your dental team informed of any medical conditions you develop that may influence your dental evaluations, care, and treatment.

Health Advice

Five Common Reasons Why People Need Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is very important for many people. When people are trying to get better after suffering from some type of injury, these therapists are able to assist them. They can make progress and improve their physical condition over time. Take a look at these five common reasons why people need this therapy to give yourself a greater understanding of this topic.

1. Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are definitely among the most common reasons that people need therapy. It can take time to rebuild your strength after suffering an injury. A professional physiotherapist is going to be able to help athletes to build up their strength and inch closer to their condition before the injury. It can take time, but a professional will be able to help people get back to performing like normal, in most cases.

2. Recovering From Surgery

Many surgeries can be very rough on the body. People who are recovering from major surgeries may require physiotherapy of some kind in order to help. It can take some effort to get your strength back and to regain flexibility in certain parts of your body. People who have had shoulder surgeries or back surgeries may require the help of a physiotherapist for quite some time. A good place to learn more information is at the Dr Keogh website.

3. Coping with a Debilitating Condition

Sometimes a physiotherapist will help someone who has a debilitating condition. Their techniques may be able to help people in certain conditions to gain some strength. People who have diseases that impact their muscular structure and who have other types of degenerative conditions often seek out physiotherapists for help. It is possible to make some significant improvements with the help of professionals.

4. Recovering From a Car Accident

Car accidents are one of the most common reasons that people need to see a physiotherapist. Recovering from injuries sustained during a car accident can be tough. Everything from neck trauma to back injuries can require different types of therapy. It may be a tough road to walk when you’re trying to get back to normal after a car accident, but a physiotherapist can help you to get there.

5. Learning to Walk Again

Having to learn how to walk again is one of the most severe reasons that people will need therapy. If someone has suffered a terrible accident that left them temporarily paralyzed from the waist down, then he or she will need to learn how to walk again when he or she regains sensation in his or her lower extremities. There are other situations where someone may need to relearn how to walk as well. Recovering from certain types of major surgeries may require this level of intensive therapy too.

Physiotherapists are very important to people who need to recover from large injuries. These professionals also help people to regain strength after small injuries. The therapy techniques that expert physiotherapists use will be helpful for rebuilding strength and gaining more flexibility. If you need help recovering after suffering from some type of accident, then you will definitely benefit from having a skilled physiotherapist that you can rely on.

Health Advice

5 Ways to Get More out of your Physiotherapy

When you need to regain your strength after an accident or surgery, your doctor may send you to a therapist that focuses on building muscle. Physiotherapy appointments often continue long-term, and can help with everything from learning to use a broken arm again, to learning to walk after a severe injury. When you have been assigned a therapist, you may go through an introductory period where you learn the exercises and treatment plan. There may even be some trial and error as the right plan is organized. As a patient, you are in control of a large portion of your recovery. There are a few things that you can do to make the most of your time with a specialist.

1. Do Your Homework

When you come to an appointment unprepared, you cannot accomplish the things you need to. Physiotherapy offers many concepts that build on each other over time. Each appointment may be a time when a new concept is introduced. You may be given exercises to do at home so that you can be prepared for the next session. Strength building is also a daily endeavour. Help yourself get better faster by keeping up with home assignments.

2. Keep all Doctor’s Appointments

Working to get healthy again may require visits to more than one doctor. The doctor that prescribed the therapy may need to see you for regular checkups. When you miss these appointments, complications may not be caught on time. Your body is going through many changes. Your recovery may take longer if you skip doctor’s appointments. You may find the information and resources useful on the Dr Keogh website.

3. Rest

It is important to show up well-rested to your physiotherapy appointments. When your body is in recovery you need more rest than normal. You may need to adjust your schedule to get the sleep you need. It may be necessary to skip extra social outings and opt for evenings at home with a movie or book. The sacrifice is worth it in the long-run.

4. Eat and Hydrate

If you show up to an appointment hungry or dehydrated, nothing is going to be accomplished. Bring a water bottle with you, and eat a light breakfast or lunch before your activity. If you are fitting your session in on your lunch break from work, pack protein bars or other healthy snacks to get you through the exercises.

5. Communicate

It is important that you communicate with your therapist and your doctor. If something is hurting or feeling a little out of place, speak up immediately. In many cases, an injured area can relapse. Healing may also be taking longer due to stress or malnutrition. Everybody heals differently, as well. If you feel pain in the middle of an exercise, say something right away. Your therapist wants you to succeed and stay safe.

Physiotherapy is a great way to build your strength after a traumatic physical event. The human body is extremely capable of healing and resuming normal activity. Muscles take time to heal, however. You can match your therapist’s efforts by completing exercises at home and taking care of your overall health. When you communicate and cooperate with your doctors, you are sure to recover more quickly.

Health Advice

5 Ways to Relieve Your Pain with Physiotherapy

Nobody wants to live with pain for the rest of their life, but if you are suffering from aches or pains and are faced with the option of surgery, long-term medication, or other treatments, it is time to consider physiotherapy. Unlike drastic measures like surgery, this treatment is significantly easier on the body, will provide amazing pain relief, and can even treat long-term problems. Understanding how this treatment can help you relieve pain will inspire you to get treatment for your condition rather than continuing to suffer or having surgery.

1. Learn How to Breathe

While it may seem silly to think that some people require physiotherapy to learn how to breathe, this type of treatment can be used to address conditions that extend beyond the musculoskeletal system. If you suffer from sleep apnea or other breathing problems such as asthma, learning breathing techniques that allow you control and give you the ability to exercise correct breathing can help. These techniques stretch and strengthen your neck and chest muscles and allow for increased mobility. A good place to find more information is at the Dr Keogh website.

2. Relieve Chronic Pain

Millions of people suffer from chronic pain, but not many of them understand that physiotherapy can help with this problem and decrease dependence on medication. By determining the location of the pain and the problem, the professionals and the patient can work together to design a program that will stabilize the weak location in the body, help it become stronger, and improve joint strength by improving muscle strength. While this does take more effort on the part of the patient, it decreases dependent on medication.

3. Relieve Pressure on Joints

One major problem with being overweight is that carrying around the extra weight puts a lot of pressure on a person’s joints and can cause major medical problems. Not only is the extra weight difficult to carry, it also makes it significantly harder for the patient to exercise and lose weight. Physiotherapy does not just address sore joints, it can also be used to help patients design an exercise program that is specifically tailored to their needs.

4. Treat Bad Knees

People all over the world suffer from bad knees, and having them replaced is a very common surgery. Unfortunately, is because it is a common surgery does not mean it is an optimal one. By working with a physiotherapist to increase strength and flexibility in the knees, many patients can relieve knee pain. It is through strengthening muscles around the knee but stretching them out at the same time so they do not hold the knee in a permanently tight position that physiotherapists can ensure that the knee joint is able to function properly once more.

5. Improve Balance

Having poor balance can result in injuries, and can often cause the sufferer to pull or strain muscles on one side of the body. Improving balance is an important way to ensure that you are able to increase your mobility without suffering. When a physiotherapist understands that their patient suffers from balance problems, they will work hard to strengthen weaker muscles in the body to help compensate. This can relieve the pain that patients feel from having uneven muscle strength and will help improve balance.

Health Advice

5 Ways Physiotherapy Can Help Improve Your Health

Injuries and accidents occur very quickly and to ensure that you heal the best that you can, you will want to make sure that you get the right medical care. One of the best ways to ensure that you get that is to see an expert in physiotherapy. While many people are not familiar with the benefits of this type of treatment, this is an amazing way to ensure that you are able to recover from your injury or accident.

1. Improve Range of Motion

A limited range of motion can result because of tight joints and muscles. Unfortunately, this often leads to problems with normal activities including reaching above your head and climbing stairs, but with proper stretching and help from a professional you will soon enjoy a greater range of motion. Stretching out scar tissue ensures that its formation does not impede your rehabilitation. Without a large range of motion, you are going to be unable to participate in normal and everyday tasks and may find that movements are painful and difficult.

2. Decrease Swelling

Swelling is natural, but it can impede blood flow and make it difficult for you to easily move and contract your muscles. Understanding how to apply both heat and ice will ensure that you treat your injury correctly and lower your risk of swelling. Additionally, understanding why your body suffers from inflammation and swelling, and the signs to watch for that you are going to have a swelling problem, will allow you to begin treatment right away.

3. Electrical Stimulation Can Increase Blood Flow

Using electrical stimulation is a wonderful way to increase blood flow to an area and improve muscle tone and ability. This type of therapy can actually reduce pain in the body and ensure that patients are able to move freely after an accident. It’s important that you only see an expert who can provide you with this sort of treatment, as it is a very powerful option for care and needs to be performed carefully and expertly.

4. Decrease Chance of Future Injuries

Unfortunately, after an injury, especially one due to playing sports, it is very normal to suffer from repeat injuries again in the future. Physiotherapy is incredibly useful in helping patients understand how to avoid injury so that they can prevent future problems. Understanding how to move your body, how to warm up and cool down, and what searches to do, will decrease the likelihood that you are injured again in the future.

5. Help Treat COPD

COPD is a very dangerous respiratory problem that has a high mortality rate if it is not treated correctly and by a professional. If you want to decrease the symptoms that you have from COPD and ensure that you are able to live a happy and active life, then physiotherapy may be a great choice for you. You’ll be able to decrease the severity of your COPD, increase your endurance for exercise, and improve your muscle strength, as well as muscle function. Find more online resources at the Dr Keogh Physiotherapy Clinic website.

Health Advice

7 Most Effective Physiotherapy Treatments to Look Into

Whether your physical struggles are the result of age, disease, deformity, or injury, physiotherapy can be an excellent alternative to drugs or surgeries and even generate far more satisfying results. As you explore the world of physiotherapies, it helps to understand the different techniques and strategies that professionals use to promote mobility and manage pain.

1. Hands-on Techniques

A great number of physiotherapies include hands-on treatment methods that closely relate to chiropractic, osteopathic, massage, and kinesiology, among other things, and your physiotherapists will typically have a broad understanding of all of these different techniques. Hands-on techniques might include joint manipulation, massaging, muscle stretching, neurodynamics, and gentle gliding techniques to promote joint mobilization. For those of you interested, Dr Keogh Physiotherapy Clinic has more information available on their website.

2. Physiotherapy Taping

Using a thin, elastic strip of cotton in most scenarios, your physiotherapists use taping as a means of treating many athletic injuries, physical disorders, and other conditions that involve inflammation and musculoskeletal issues. Strapping and wrapping techniques help relieve pain by proving your joints with additional support, which can reduce injury recurrence and help prevent further injury.

3. Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Acupuncture and dry needling are methods used to relieve pain and improve muscle function. The details and benefits of acupuncture extend far into the Chinese culture but many physiotherapists may suggest this pain relief as it has commonly been effective for relieving pain in the back, neck, and a variety of joints around the body. Dry needling is a somewhat similar technique that, while lacking a cultural backing, has been effective for pain treatment as well. Physiotherapists simply use a needle to stimulate muscular trigger points without injecting anything.

4. Exercises

Physiotherapists are also trained in the implementation of exercise, which is one of the best ways to improve mobility and dramatically reduce pain levels. There are a handful of different exercises that your physiotherapist may recommend, many of which are specific to the affected areas or for physiotherapy in general.

5. Biomechanical Analysis

The study of human motion is biomechanics so a biomechanical analysis is, more or less, the assessment of your physical condition and the biomechanics of your body. Physiotherapists look at the way you walk, the way you run, and the way you do a variety of other physical activities to locate areas of concern, determine the reason for an injury, and develop a more targeted treatment plan.

6. Sports Therapies

Physiotherapies that relate to sports are often conducted by specialists as they typically require additional skill sets and a better understanding of sports-related injuries in general. With that in mind, sports therapies will typically be more effective for sports injuries than general physiotherapies.

7. Physiotherapy in the Workplace

From posture to workstation setup, your physiotherapists ensure that your treatment carries over into the workplace. They can help you develop the most effective work habits that aim to improve mobility, reduce pain, and,

At the very least, ensure that your pain or discomfort doesn’t worsen due to poor posture or other things that are more or less simple fixes.

Health Advice

6 Unexpected Health Conditions Treated with Physiotherapy

Patients often seek physiotherapy services to help recover from bone fractures, spinal issues, and sports injuries. Along with orthopaedic cases, physiotherapists provide treatment for a variety of neurological and cardiopulmonary conditions.

1. Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders affect the nervous system, brain, and spine and can dramatically change a patient’s lifestyle. Disorders such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, strokes, and dementia continue to attack the body even with medical care. However, therapy may help lower the risk or progression of these conditions.

Treatment programs for neurological disorders include exercises designed to improve coordination and balance and prevent muscle tissue from breaking down. Passive limb exercises are used for patients who are unable to move their arms or legs. The goal is to continue working the nervous system and prevent further complications.

2. Cardiopulmonary Conditions

Patients may also seek treatment for conditions that affect the heart or lungs. People suffering from asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema and patients recovering from a heart attack or heart or lung injuries benefit from specific exercises.

Deep breathing exercises are often used to help improve lung capacity. Breathing and circulation exercises are used to prevent chest infections and additional respiratory issues. As with any treatment, the therapist creates a custom exercise plan to address the specific needs of each patient.

3. Arthritis and Joint Inflammation

Arthritis caused by wear and tear or inflammation may cause pain and limit mobility. Both osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis are progressive diseases that slowly become more severe without medical intervention. Physiotherapists help arthritis patients manage the pain and develop a plan that helps slow the progression.

A tailored exercise program for arthritis and joint inflammation includes exercises that target specific joints. Specialists may also recommend the use of walkers or walking aids to limit the pressure on certain joints. Acupuncture and thermotherapy are also commonly recommended by therapists.

4. Dizziness and Vertigo Issues

Dizziness and vertigo are quite common symptoms that put people at increased risk of falling. Falling is especially dangerous for the elderly and those with neurological disorders. Dizziness and vertigo are symptoms and not diseases. However, certain exercises and physiotherapy treatments can help limit the severity of these symptoms.

5. Headaches Caused by Spine Issues

Nearly one out of five headaches are the result of cervical spine issues. These headaches often begin in the neck and then spread towards one side of the front of the head.

Repetitive neck strain and bad posture are the most likely causes. Therapists may employ rehabilitation exercises and manual therapy to help relieve stress on the neck and spine. If you need any more information, Dr Keogh may be able to provide you with further insights and resources.

6. Therapy for Concussions

Concussions do not often lead to permanent health complications if proper medical assistance is sought. Patients typically require rest and recovery to avoid unnecessary strain. However, patients may still develop symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and balance issues. Custom therapy can help address these symptoms and provide relief while recovering from the concussion.

These are just a few examples of the health conditions that physiotherapists can help treat. Besides the issues discussed, therapy is also available for dealing with most types of pain, including chronic pain caused by injuries and pain related to other medical conditions.

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10 Physiotherapy Services That Can Enhance Your Life

To understand the value of physiotherapy services, you have to first define physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is a wellness practice that uses exercise therapy and other medical techniques to improve muscle and joint functioning. The exercises and methods featured in such services have been scientifically tested and designed to effectively reduce and prevent pain or injury.

Ten of the popular physiotherapy services offered today include the following:

1. Joint mobilisation and manipulation

This physiotherapy service is a popular treatment that is often used to address conditions that are related to a range of motion issues. The service is also employed to treat the pain associated with joint stiffness. By using high-velocity movements, the patient increases his or her range of motion and experiences realignment of the joints.

2. Manual traction

During manual traction, a gentle force is applied to either the back or neck. Manual traction enables people to overcome problems with discs in the lumbar and cervical spine. Manual traction alleviates the pressure placed on the spine’s nerves. In turn, the patient experiences less pain, tension, and muscle spasms.

3. Myofascial release

This physiotherapy service is used to relax muscles that are painful and stiff. By using this technique, the physiotherapist enhances the patient’s circulation, improves the muscle tone, and increases overall flexibility.

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture therapy involves the insertion of sterile, fine needles at certain sites on the body. These sites are referred to as acupuncture points and are located along the body’s meridians. Acupuncture is used to clear away blockages and promote overall body functioning.

5. Dry needling

This particular therapy is often associated with acupuncture therapy because it uses needles. However, the two methods differ. Dry needling stimulates certain tissues to relieve muscular pain. Dry needling is often combined with other techniques to increase pain relief.

6. Taping

This physiotherapy service is used to promote a quicker recovery whilst a person is recuperating from an injury. It is also used as a form or protection from further injury. Taping restricts muscle and joint movement to safeguard against strain. Some forms of this technique encourage blood flow through the deep fascia to support the healing process.

7. Electrotherapy

Physiotherapy services, such as electrotherapy, lessen the effects of tissue swelling and pain. This method often complements other physiotherapy services. Examples of electrotherapy include ultrasound therapy and laser therapy.

8. Phonophoresis

This form of therapy is employed to improve the delivery and efficacy of drugs that are topically applied to injured sites. This method uses ultrasound for various physical injuries – injuries that often require an anti-inflammatory medicine or analgesic for rehabilitation purposes.

9. Corrective and Preventative Exercises

This physiotherapy service enables patients to realise better muscle and joint functioning and alignment. By introducing a regular regimen of exercises, the physiotherapist greatly reduces the chances of re-injury. These types of exercises increase the strength and flexibility of the muscles.

10. Soft Tissue Massage plus Trigger Point Therapy

This physiotherapy service aids in relaxing the muscles and increasing lymph and blood flow. The method also increases the healing time for tissues or strained ligaments. In addition, the technique improves the patient’s range of motion and flexibility, and reduces the incidence of muscular spasms.

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6 Massage Services to Meet Your Sore Muscle Needs

When you’re feeling sore or have suffered some type of injury, a professional massage may be all you need to feel your best again. Because there are numerous types of massages, it is always easy to choose one that is perfect for you. Whether you’re interested in sensual massage Toronto or massages specifically designed for people of a certain age, you can easily find what you need if you know how to look for it.

1. Swedish Massage

This is a very common form of massage that uses light and medium strokes to help relieve pain and loosen up your muscles. The pressure used by the therapist is neither too light nor too intense, which makes it the perfect type of massage for people new to the art of massage therapy. It is also good for making people relax.

2. Deep Tissue Massage

A complement to Swedish massage, deep tissue treatment includes intensive pressure designed for those patients with the stiffest muscles and the most pain. These massages target knots in the body and chronic muscle tension, enabling you to enjoy looser muscles and a pain-free life. Because they have a specific purpose, most of these massages are 45 to 60 minutes in length, seldom shorter.

3. Sports Massage

As its name implies, sports massages are intended for a specific areas of pain and tightness, most commonly caused by sports or other intense activity. If you have a sore back, sore legs, or a sore neck, a good sports massage could be just what you need to feel better.

4. Trigger Point Therapy

This type of massage concentrates on points in the body that can cause pain and tension in other areas and usually involves cycles that consist of isolated pressure and release actions. If you have a trigger point in your back that is wreaking havoc on your neck, for example, a trigger point massage is the perfect solution for you, and the results are usually nothing short of miraculous.

5. Specialised Massages

These massages can be classified as specialised because they don’t fit under any other category, so if you’re interested in geriatric or pregnancy massages, most therapists can design something specific just for you. If you’re very young or consider yourself middle-aged, you can still get a great massage that meets your needs; all you have to do is contact a good massage facility.

6. Reflexology

Reflexology is a specialised massage treatment that concentrates on your feet and hands and utilises various techniques that target points in the hands and feet corresponding to and affecting other parts of the body. Used for over 3,000 years, this method of massage has been proven to ease certain ailments and encourage overall relaxation, which is beneficial for everyone.

Massages are not all alike, and regardless of your reason for getting one, knowing what makes each massage special and unique is always a good idea. Massage therapists are professional enough to ascertain your condition so they can recommend the one that is right for you, and trusting them is the first step to feeling better both physically and emotionally.