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5 Proven Marketing Tips of Successful Real Estate Agents

They say that the real estate business is easy in good times. However, it’s the rough times that separate the successful agents from those who go looking for another profession. What’s the secret to successful real estate agents? They are always running multiple marketing strategies. These strategies allow the successful Toronto real estate agent to have a constant stream of qualified buyers and sellers. Below are 5 of the most proven marketing strategies used by successful real estate agents.

1. Consistent Use of Social Media

Every real estate agent understands the importance of social media. However, only the most successful agents are committed to creating consistent messaging on their Facebook page, Youtube channel and Intergram account. The successful real estate agent will post at least once a week to each of their social media platforms. And these messages should add value to the person reading the message. This social media posts could be a link about local real estate news, important buying or selling tips or news about upcoming open houses. Consistent social media marketing will keep followers engaged and lead to more clients.

2. Cultivating an E-Mail list

E-mail is simply the most powerful form of marketing. That is because an e-mail list includes people who are interested in the agent’s services. Therefore, these are warm leads that should not be taken for granted. E-mail messaging can be as simple communications about local real estate news or current listings and upcoming open houses.

3. Becoming a Market Authority

Real estate agents who are considered an authority, in the local market, will always attract the best clients. Agents can build authority by following a few steps. For instance, the real estate agent should post more often on their social media accounts, pay for local radio time to take questions about the current real estate market and or hold seminars about buying and selling in the local market. A top authority will end up having buyers and sellers beating down her door because of her reputation alone.

4. Gathering and Contacting Referrals

Agents understand the power of gathering referrals. And the successful agent never misses a chance to build their referral network and follow up on that list. Agents should ask all their clients for at least five names of people who may be interested in buying or selling a property. Then the agent should contact that referral via e-mail with a personalized message. If that referral is not in the market, than the agent should ask that referral for five more names and so on.

5. Being a Specialist

Successful agents know how to set themselves apart by specializing on in a certain part of the market. Agents can become a geographical specialists, concentrating on listings in a certain part of town. Agents can also specialize in a certain demographic such as seniors or millennial aged clients. Specializing will allow the agent to stand out from the crowd.

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